
'अद्वित'- Introduction

  Sanskrit is not the language of only religion and prayer books, but of every subject known to man. And Sanskrit is most definitely not just the language of Hindus — it is taught in schools all over the world today irrespective of caste, creed or religion. My passion for sanskrit being a student of sanskrit since 8 years now, I was obligated to bring about something in my own way to flourish the divine language, for the audience and myself as a writer. Sanskrit is the most scientific and fulfilling language amongst the linguistics across globe, infact, Sanskrit is considered as mother language for those. Through the course of this series I will humbly try to make your friendship with the language and bring more scientific aspects of the language and its benefits for your mind. We shall explore shlokas and their effects, poems,phrases,articles and philosophies and practical applicability of ancient text philosophies in our everyday life. Again, an attempt to make your life extraordinar

‘The Neuroscientific Nexus of Meditation, Lucid Dreaming, and Everyday Life’-pt2-Exploring the realms of neuroscience my way.

 Do you become aware amidst dreaming that you are dreaming? Do you wonder why the brain works so miraculously and what shall we gain by knowing the magical science behind this mere-sounding concept? Hello there! I am back with another exploration of neuroscience, my way. It happens sometimes that you are asleep, and only after a while you somehow become aware that you are dreaming. This phenomenon in science is called ‘ Lucid Dreaming’. Lucid dreams are associated with increased physiological activation, as measured by increased phasic activity (e.g., increased REM density). Autonomic nervous system arousal (e.g., heart rate, respiration rate, takes place due to ongoing thought processes and undelated impulses in our brain which ultimately come from stress, anxiety, overthinking even recalling memories! Lucid dreaming thus provides a way to establish precise psychophysiological correlations between the contents of consciousness during sleep and physiological measures, as well as enable

'The Bystander Effect'- pt1-Exploring The realms of Neuroscience my way.

  The Bystander Effect refers to a phenomenon where the presence of other people discourages an individual from intervening during an emergency, such as bullying or a crime. The more people there are, the less likely it is that any one of them will provide help to a person in distress. Although it may seem like just a concept, Neuroscience has identified this as a significant phenomenon. In this blog, we will explore the concept of the Bystander Effect and its impact on our lives.  Did you know that the Bystander Effect is a fascinating concept? Essentially, it shows how our brains tend to react when we're in a group of people and we witness something happening. We might feel like we have less responsibility to help out (because there are more people around), or we might be worried about what others will think if we do help (evaluation apprehension). And sometimes, we might even think that because no one else is doing anything, it must not be an emergency (pluralistic ignorance). I

Unfiltered thoughts part 8:' The Power of Emotional Availability: Building Stronger Connections.'

  In a world filled with technological distractions and busy schedules, being emotionally available for people has become a rare and precious commodity. While it might seem like a small gesture, the ability to connect with others on an emotional level can have a profound impact on our relationships and well-being. In this blog, we'll explore why it's crucial to be emotionally available for people and how it can enrich our lives.Hello there! I felt this randomly, out of nowhere :'how precious it is to 'be there' for somebody. 'No matter how small the problem is, how mere you think it is, no matter  you feel that the person's reaction is illogical, you  just have to validate the person's emotions first. It’s always like the first aid. And yes! Equally significant and life-saving.  When someone is emotionally traumatized, it's important to approach them with compassion and empathy. Rather than immediately offering solutions or advice, take a moment to c

Unfiltered thoughts part 7-The masks we wear:gaze at social psychology.

    Have you ever considered the idea that you may have more than one personality? It's quite common for people to behave differently in different situations. One interesting aspect of being human is that we play different roles in the lives of those around us. Depending on the person we are interacting with, we may need to be strong, understanding, or caring. It's important to remember that we are not the same person to everyone, and that's okay. I always thought about that fine line between being unstable in thoughts and expression and changing for people. Behaving kindly towards loved ones and strangers alike is a basic human duty that deserves recognition. But it’s surely disgusting to know that; to make use of someone, you behave accordingly, most of the time, being mean to others until one needs them. That’s pathetic! It can’t be human. It's important to understand why people have different personalities in different situations. You can't approach everyone or

अंतरंग भाग 5 - 'द्वित्व'

  "किती  हा कळस दुजोरिचा , उगाच अट्टाहास प्रामाणिक पणाचा .   प्रामाणिक पणाने व्यक्त जाहलो जरी , लोकांना ते आवडेलच ह्याची नाही खात्री .   माणसांच्या खोट्या अविरभावाचा देखील राग येतो , मग आपण लोकांशी नक्की वागावं कस हा प्रश्न पडतो .   प्रामाणिक राहून आपल्याकडून कुणी दुखावेल , तर कधी दुसऱ्यांसाठी स्वभावा विरुद्ध जावं लागेल .   माणसांनीच माणुसकी जपायची गरज आहे . खऱ्याने खऱ्याची साथ निभावायची गरज आहे .   असेल अपेक्षा प्रामाणिकतेची साऱ्यांकडून , असेल तस सत्य स्वीकारावं मग समंजस भावाने समोरच्या कडून .   जगण्याचं शल्य अजब आहे खरं ! खरं - खोट्याच्या पलीकडे जावं , आणि समजुतीने आपण माणसात वावरायला हवं ." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' नेहमी खरे बोलावे ' असं आपल्यावरती अगदी लहानपणापासूनच बिंबवलेल असतं . पण जेव्हा समाजात एक व्यक्ती म्हणून आपली भूमिका साकारताना , आ

"Ink-Stained Echoes: A Writer's Mind Unveiled"

  If only words had enough power to justify what a writer's heart says,  It's the words running behind the thoughts always! I swear Writers are manufactured with a catch, when they decide to write; thoughts are clear but words are a no match. Sometimes, it's just a play with words, but the thoughts glitch, At times, amidst an article the genres switch. Reading tons of books feels to be waste, Every masterpiece is an end of a word-heist! Writers mind is no less but a battlefield for the war of thoughts and words . Thoughts overpower words for a while, until words decide to establish peace with a smile! Eventually the mess of thoughts,expressions and words is demolished. Thus, an empire of thoughts and words is established! -Shrutika . Patankar ©️