Adwit part 1- ‘प्रकृति’ आत्म- बोधन दात्री।।

Hello everyone! In the very first part of this unique series, I've come up with a light concept, which yet, sinks deeper into the ocean of knowledge! Prakruti usually means nature. Which we see, experience and what surrounds the world. Similarly, what surrounds, supports our inner human world, and brings about all the phenomena is Prakruti. Ayurvedic texts mention this concept to know how a person is metabolically, mentally, socially and spiritually. Once you know the science of why someone is very slow while others are always in a hurry maybe, things will not irritate you unnecessarily. So, here's the concept of Prakriti with a bit of my philosophical interpretation of it for you, my way! SELF-AWARENESS AND AWARENESS OF HOW THINGS WORK, IS THE ULTIMATE GATEWAY!

Prakriti iti swabhavam" as told by acharya charaka. Swa-self, bhava- Approach. In ayurved, the concept of 'Prakriti' is emphasized as one's nature. Mental as well as physical more precisely the metabolic nature of the body. Hence, comes automatically the reactions to the environment. Which includes every single simple thing which happens to us every day: anger, hunger, thirst, anxiety, energy, decision-making capacity, fear, success, and grasping capacity. These all little things eventually make up us. Whom we identify as self. Ayurved speaks about maintaining this prakrut avastha for longevity, and hence we are speaking about the vitality of the concept of Prakriti. We should peek within ourselves and validate that swabhava. And take actions accordingly, for the benefit of one’s personality.

नमस्कारं सर्वेभ्यः!

अद्य वयम प्रकृति विषये अधिजानाम:!

प्रकृति इति स्वभावम्। स्वः-आत्मन्, भावः-प्रवृत्तिः। आयुर्वेदे, 'प्रकृति' इत्यस्य निरूपणे स्वभावः एव प्रमुखं प्रतिपादितम्। अथवा उदाहरणार्थं: क्रोधः, चिन्ता, ऊर्जा, निर्णयशक्तिः, भयम्, सिद्धिः, अध्यापनशक्तिः। एते सर्वे लघुत्वात् अवस्थिताः अस्मासु। काम वयम् अवगन्तुं शक्नोमः, सा प्रकृति। वयम् सर्वे स्वमनसि दृष्ट्वा अवश्यं स्वभावस्य वर्धनं करवामः।"

"श्रीमद् भगवद्गीतायामपि निर्देशं अस्ति यत्- बन्धुरात्माऽऽत्मनस्तस्य येनात्मैवात्मना जितः।

अनात्मनस्तु शत्रुत्वे वर्तेतात्मैव शत्रुवत्।।6.6।।"

(As mentioned in Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, Verse 6: 

"For one who has conquered the mind, the Supersoul is already reached, for he has attained tranquility.")


दोष स्थिति दर्शिनी,

चिकित्साया: मार्गदर्शिनी ।

'प्रकृति' भाव-स्वभाव प्रदर्शिनी।।

वात- पित्त- कफ- द्वंद्वज-समवस्था च इति विविधा ।

मनसः भाव अर्जिता ।

'प्रकृति' देश-दोष-बीज-कालानां संयोगस्यअधिगम्या ।।

काम-क्रोध- बल- तृट- क्षुधा-भय-मति 

तथा कर्मसामर्थ्यानां च निग्रह कर्तृ।

‘प्रकृति’ आत्म- बोधन दात्री।।

शरीर-संविधानस्य स्वरूपिणी ।

त्रिदोष-मनोदोषाणां विज्ञान प्रदायिनी।।

यस्याः ज्ञानेन चिकित्सा विज्ञाने अभिवृद्धि भवति।

भवति स्वास्थ्यस्य प्राप्ति।

तस्याः ‘प्रकृति’ नाम इति।।

-Shrutika V. Patankar ©️


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